Request assistance or report human trafficking:
Dial 911 for immediate threats or emergencies.
GET HELP *The National Human Trafficking Hotline provides victim support 24 hours, 7 days a week,
200+ languages, and other resources
Phone (Call): 1-888-373-7888*
Phone (Text): "Be Free" or 233733*
Chat: humantraffickinghotline.org/chat
Online: go.wv.gov/TipsHT
Email: wvfusion@wv.gov
For additional information, please visit the resource pages below:
The West Fusion Center (WVFC), in collaboration with other organizations and local, state, and federal law enforcement is committed to identifying potential victims of human trafficking and linking them to crucial services and to providing free training and resources to partner agencies.
Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery in which traffickers use force, fraud, or coercion to control victims for the purpose of engaging in commercial sex acts or labor services against their will. Human trafficking is not only an international issue. Human trafficking occurs in all states and U.S. territories, and it occurs here in West Virginia.
The West Virginia Fusion Centers (WVFC) is committed to collaborating with other organizations and LE agencies through the State to provide training, resources, and support.
Know the Signs:
• Victims lack the freedom to leave their work or living conditions
• Victim is often escorted when they travel or kept under surveillance with their communications limited or restricted.
• Victims may exhibit signs of abuse (bruises, cuts, burns, scars, prolonged lack of healthcare or malnourishment, poor hygiene, poor dental hygiene).
• Victims may exhibit fear, anxiety, depression, nervousness, hostility, flashbacks, drug/alcohol addiction. Victims may also avoid eye contact.
• Victims may have not have control of their own money or identification documents (e.g., ID, DL, Passport, etc.).
• Victims may have little personal possessions.
• Victims may have inconsistencies in their story. Responses may seem scripted or rehearsed.
• Victims may be "branded" with tattoos, clothing, or jewelry to indicate someone else's ownership.
One sign alone is not indicative of human trafficking, but multiple indicators may be a cause for concern.
Remember: Victims may not always identify as victims; however, that doesn't mean that help is not needed. Learn the indicators and red flags of Human trafficking and find out below what you can do to help
The purpose of the YOU CAN initiative is to bring awareness to human trafficking in the State of West Virginia. The YOU CAN initiative is meant to bring to the forefront the difficult and sometimes uncomfortable conversations of this "hidden in plain sight" issue. Although Law Enforcement Officers are tasked with investigating Human trafficking cases, WV citizens can still help.
• Submit a tip
• Reporting a tip may help someone
• Learn the signs of human trafficking and report potentially suspicious activity regarding businesses or individuals
• Discuss the signs within your communities:
• Faith-based organizations, schools, daycares, and other community service organizations and programs are all at the forefront of potentially noticing changes in behaviors or other unusual signs.
• Help Combat Human Trafficking
Human Trafficking Material and Training Requests
To request "YOU CAN" material for your office/agency or to request a training please click here.
Available Downloads
To Meet State Code Human Trafficking Assistance Notice Requirements:
YOU CAN Assistance Notice (English) | YOU CAN Assistance Notice (Spanish) | YOU CAN Brochure
(To print brochure, select the following options when printing: print on both sides of paper, flip on short edge, and landscape.)
Additional Downloads
For Human Trafficking Awareness:
YOU CAN Awareness (English & Spanish) | YOU CAN Can You See Me (English)
WV State Code §15A-2-5. Human Trafficking Assistance Notices:
(a) For the purpose of assisting victims of human trafficking to obtain help and services, the following businesses and establishments shall post a notice which meets the requirements of this section.
(b) Requirements for posting of notice. — The notice required by this section must be posted in English, Spanish, and any other language determined by legislative rule by the director. The notice must be posted in each public restroom for the business or establishment, and either in a conspicuous place near the public entrance of the business or establishment, or in another location in clear view of the public and employees where similar notices are customarily posted.
(c) The director shall provide hyperlinks on the division’s website to downloadable notices that are eight and one-half inches by 11 inches in size that provide information regarding the National Human Trafficking Resource Center and display the telephone number for the National Human Trafficking Resource Center hotline. These downloadable notices must be available in English, Spanish, and any other language determined by legislative rule by the director. These downloadable notices, if printed and posted, will satisfy the notice posting requirements of this section.
Click here to view WV State Code §15A-2-5 in its entirety.